Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Old thgoughts finding a new home

From December 2002
My friends were always fringe dwellers, not necessarily living on the edge, but definitely people on the edge of society. They were all special in some way, artistic musical or sporty, they had all that and more. I was not special at anything, nor did I ever try to be, and yet I was their friend.
I am surprised no one has lived up to their edgy potential. No one has achieved. Tom the smartest of all is a teacher, not that is anything wrong with that, Wed and Jonathan with so much promise are both dead, Matt, Bede, Mark what are they doing now?
Tim and Annie are living a cool life, mixing work & family. Sure it is not up to me or anyone to judge others lives, but I allow myself an opinion.

Christmas day 2002.
Reed & Joanie are asleep, I have just finished a delicious lunch of seared scallops accompanied by a Trappist Triple beer. Much to my inebriated surprise the beer was 8% & I am feeling good. Reed has an infection so this afternoons swim is on hold.
The year ahead is a massive one for us. Virtually a make or break year that will determine the years ahead. I have worked & planned hard & will double my efforts in the year ahead to ensure it goes as planned.

Update today
The planing paid off and all that I aimed for happened. Funny that, I planned and then actioned the plan and my dreams came true. So why do most people seem incapable of planning, of long term thinking, of imaging beyond the moment? Yeah I know not everyone is a big picture person, but still plan or fail is a simple concept to grasp. Even those of you who live in the present or past should take sometime to look to the future.

I have succeeded in the limited world of capitalism, I have more money than most people I know. I am mid thirties and basically don't have to work for a living. But this success is trivial compared to the success I want to attain. I want to be a successful father, partner, friend and most of all I would love to be self-realised one day. Yeah and maybe a little bit more relaxed too!!

I find it funny that only one friend, Adrian, has asked about by financial success. I stupidly said I was just lucky, when the reality is I have worked really hard for 14 years to achieve my financial independence and made it a priority in my life. At the same time I enjoy but to not desire possessions and mainly want financial independence as it frees my time.

Time is the most valuable thing we own and most people sell it way to cheaply and fail to invest their time wisely.


I am the least adjusted to our move back to Australia, though if the storms of change can rid our world of the right wing fundamentalists who look consume the world with their hatred I might feel at ease with Australia. There is an evil axis in the world to quote GW Bush, but he is the front man and John Howard is the comedy side kick. To me it appears Austrlians are prepared to overlook a lot if they are prospering. Yes, it is politics and over governing nature of this coutry that gets me down, my life is a good one.

Why does time fly?

Time is flying. Time seems to accelerate as I get older. Maybe this acceleration has something to do with the mind ignoring familiar things and the older you get the more things are familiar. Therefore, the less of things and time you perceive and hence it all appears to be going faster. This is probably not worth thinking about to much as long as you get done what you want to and enjoy life and people on the way.

Why me angry?

First posts on blogs should probably be something cool and friendly to entice readers further, but I am just too full of anger to follow that path. It is my anger today that has forced me in seeking relief via expression. Maybe if I say it or write it then my anger will dissipate. Maybe it will seem silly to be angry when I know I have a wonderful life. Then again, maybe in examining why I am angry my fury at the world will simply increase. As the world celebrates Kyoto agreement today I live in one of the two self-serving, self-centred, arrogant nations of the world. Man does that frustrate me. The only worse place to live would be this countries big brother, yeah you guessed it the USA.

How can people be so self-centred? How can fundamentalists and the right-wing hold so much sway in the world? When will the world wake up and realise Democracy doesn't work?

Still the sun shines, my garden grows and my kids are wonderful. They are not even four and two and I know they will be considerate and compassionate humans. Thoughtful of others and tolerant in a world of intolerance. Will you kids be the same? Do you think they are virtues worth instilling?

Why do all the stupid people in the world vote for the right?
How can people believe in God and yet be so ready to throw the first stone?